Hot 8 Brass Band Competition *Now Closed*

Wednesday the 6th March see’s Hot 8 Brass Band return to play live at the Hare and Hounds! Here at Leftfoot we’ve been feeling rather generous in 2013 with lots of give-aways already and you’ll be pleased to know we’ve decided to continue the generosity with another competition!

For your chance to not only win 2 tickets to see Hot 8 but also get your hands on the  bands latest album all you have to do is answer this really challenging question…

“Below you can watch Hot 8’s video for the single ‘Ghost Town’,  what we want to know is which band originally released Ghost Town?”

Email your answers into by 5pm Monday 4th March and we will contact the winner via email the following day! Please make sure you email you’re answer, any answers left on this post will not be accepted.

If you don’t want to leave it to chance to see Hot 8 Brass band then make sure you get your advanced tickets right here. Be quick though as there aren’t many left!